Uranium processing flow chart with FactorioLab - Factorio Forums
Dec 8, 2024 · The vast majority of U-235 is used in breeding more of the rare fissile isotope. Obviously breeding loses U-238, so there needs to be a tiny fresh supply of that. The U-235 produced by normal uranium processing is negligible. About 20% of the U-238 is fed into breeding, while the rest makes the uranium cell outputs.
Uranium Processing Facility (Complete) - Factorio Forums
Feb 13, 2018 · * Uranium fuel cell (passive provider chest) * Split belt of U-235 and U-238 * Surplus U-235 (passive provider chest) * Surplus U-238 (passive provider chest) Features: * Optimally beaconed * Can be tiled horizontally * Additional belts of uranium can be input from the side (shown) * Used up uranium fuel cell output is given priority (no backups)
Uranium Processing Plant for 50 reactors - Factorio Forums
May 14, 2017 · It also automatically reprocesses spent fuel and increases amount of U235 from mining and ore processing. Enrichment process needs to be started manually by putting 40 U235 into one of steel chest on the left side (next to enrichment centrifuge).
Uranium Processing Optimised Blueprint - Factorio Forums
May 20, 2019 · Uranium Processing Optimised Blueprint This board is to show, discuss and archive useful combinator- and logic-creations. Smart triggering, counters and sensors, useful circuitry, switching as an art , computers.
[2.0.13] Quality modules do not affect normal uranium processing
Nov 2, 2024 · The quality modules seem to only add productivity chance when processing any quality above normal for uranium processing. This can be seen in the info popup when you hover the centrifuge. I noticed when I ran the centrifuges for a couple days and I saw no other qualities on the line bricking up the processing factory (unlike other parts of my ...
Simple uranium (processing, enrichment, fuel creation) setup
May 3, 2017 · Re: Simple uranium (processing, enrichment, fuel creation) setup Post by ftbreizhbugs » Thu May 04, 2017 11:29 am Aeternus wrote: Add 2 fast inserters behind the output ones that input back to the Kovarex centrifuges, so their own output loops back into them.
An efficient setup for the kovarex process - Factorio Forums
Jan 3, 2021 · This setup sends the uranium in cyvles processing more uranium 235 A filter inserter picks the mixture 1 u-235 and 19 u-238 from the belt. The filter inserters are controlled with the combinators. If you send iron plates it will produce uranium fuel cells. This works a very long time. Sometime the balance is disturbed.
Modular Uranium Processing, easily expandable - Factorio Forums
May 28, 2020 · The centrifuges with Uranium Processing have two design, one classic and one with a buffer chest wich help to autostart the sytem. You need to have the Nuclear fuel reprocessing with an input priority and before the Uranium fuel cell production otherwise not enough used cell will be reprocess and will block the nuclears reactors.
How to make oil/uranium processing facilities - Factorio Forums
Feb 12, 2022 · The way to uranium processing is just another different way to refine crude material to refined material. To be able to mine uranium ore, you need sulfuric acid, which can be produced in chemical plants that require pre-products from oil processing. It's all a big tech and manufacturing tree.
[2.0.12] uranium processing can't be researched - Factorio Forums
Oct 31, 2024 · uranium processing shows a uranium ore instead of packs for required research. can't be added to research queue. add button disabled.