What’s Important to My Family? Family Values Worksheet Purpose This activity will help you to learn what’s most important to each person in your family. We call these values. When you talk about what you value, it can help you to get along better in the future. The Value of Values
What values do we have as a family because of those spiritual beliefs? What experiences have we had that have shaped our family’s beliefs? What quotes or scriptures that are important to our family? WHAT IS MOST IMPORTANT TO OUR FAMILY? WHAT WORDS BEST DESCRIBE OUR FAMILY VALUES?
Answering these questions will help define the kind of family you want to be and the kind of legacy you will leave behind. To do this, you have to first identify and put into words what your values are. That’s the goal of this worksheet! Please note that this exercise will …
Give each family member a piece of paper or use the worksheet provided; set a timer for ten minutes to think and journal or draw about the times your family was at its best. Make a list of your family’s greatest moments, challenges you’ve overcome, the success you’ve achieved, and adventures you’ve experienced.
A FAMILY VALUES EXERCISE This exercise will help your family answer the question, “What does our family stand for?” It emphasizes relationships over rules, giving all family members input and ownership of family decisions. This helps our children internalize healthy values—values which remain with them after they leave home.
Family Values Directions: -Print the worksheet or take a blank piece of paper and write ‘Our Family Values at the top -Sit as a group with your worksheet -Each person takes a turn writing in a value that is important to them -Each person signs their name anywhere on the sheet -Hang it where everyone will see it everyday
Family values are the character qualities we commit to living-out in our family, and the characteristics we desire to pass-on to our children. If you desire to leave a Godly legacy for your family, you must determine what that means.
Family values Kit | 4 Family Activities heroes of faith No matter the age or the era, everyone has a hero they admire, look up to or try to emulate. Athletes and movie stars are typical cultural icons, but what about “Heroes of the Faith”? do you have one? William Wilberforce, an 18th-century advocate for the abolition of the
Use the worksheet below to determine your TOP 5 FAMILY VALUES and write them in the spaces provided. Then write a paragraph for each about why these are the most important to your family.
Download Your Personal and Family Values (PDF)
Download Your Personal and Family Values (PDF) This printable provides a great opportunity for your family to explore and identify values that can act as an inner compass guiding you and your children in making the right choices.