Is Benjen Stark Coldhands? - General (ASoIaF) - Westeros
Oct 25, 2012 · Bran doesn't recognise Coldhands as Benjen, and Coldhands doesn't reveal himself as Benjen. In ADWD, there's a chapter where Bran and the Reeds openly challenge Coldhands about whether he's leading them into a trap. The Three Eyed Crow has sent Coldhands to lead Bran to him, so if Coldhands was Benjen, it makes little sense to keep …
Benjen Stark - General (ASoIaF) - A Forum of Ice and Fire - Westeros
Aug 11, 2013 · Coldhands may know, intrinsically, that Bran is blood, and "Benjen" possibly feels the link towards Stark redemption and revenge. Even the Varamyr Sixskins prologue chapter in Dance states that warging winged beasts (aka birds ) is one of the more difficult and demanding tasks when skinchanging.
Is Benjen Stark a deserter? - General (ASoIaF) - Westeros
Apr 17, 2024 · Theon and Benjen. Lastly, another potential subtle hint: At Robert’s welcoming feast, the guests entering the feast hall are paired with members of the Stark family. Benjen is paired with Theon, they are the last to enter the hall. Are both turncloaks? This pairing may also indicate a sinister fate, similar to Theon’s. So. What do you think?
Did BENJEN Stark have a romantic interest/prospective Bride at …
Mar 17, 2016 · Benjen joined the Night's Watch right after Ned returned home from Robert's Rebellion and was the only Stark in Winterfell for a bit. Benjen was only 5 years younger than Brandon (15 years old) so he was definitely old enough to be wed or at least have a match arranged for him by his family.
Why did Benjen Stark join the Night's Watch? - Westeros
Aug 29, 2011 · Benjen and Lyanna were very close, and he helped her find armor to wear (as the Knight of the Laughing Tree) for the joust at the tournament at Harrenhall during the year of the False Spring. Rhaeger was infatuated with her after her success, named her the Queen of Love and Beauty, they ran off together, a war started and she died.
The Fate of Benjen Stark - General (ASoIaF) - A Forum of Ice and …
Jan 8, 2023 · But something abnormal happens to it. Benjen might have ended up as wight sausage in Craster's larder or he's a roaming wight, but in both cases he was not burned. Theon's dream is prophetic, but it still depicts people who died by the hands of other people. And let's not forget that while Benjen retains his name Stark, he did foreswear his house.
Theories on Benjen Stark? - General (ASoIaF) - Westeros
Sep 15, 2015 · If benjen took a trip to always winter this would mirror the last hero, the last hero went there alone with his dog, now this is wishful thinking in no way im sure this will happen, but how awesome would be if Benjen's dog its the Diredaddy of the Starks wolves?
What happened to Benjen Stark?! - Westeros
Aug 14, 2013 · I've obviously known Benjen is missing, he's been missing since Game of Thrones. It's been irking me more so than ever today. Before I just let it go and never really pondered it. I haven't even pried an inkling or hint from the books on where he is now.Many people on this forum have said or impl...
Theories on Benjen Stark - General (ASoIaF) - Westeros
Jan 10, 2015 · Benjen was caputerd by the Others who immediately knew he was a Stark and brought him to their king, The Night King. The Night King tried to recruit Benjen to their cause. Benjen however refuses to believe this real "King beyond the wall".
Why did Benjen Stark join the Nights Watch? - Westeros
Jan 29, 2013 · The presence of a Stark remind the black brothers what they are there for. Benjen Stark, a noble Lord from one of the Great Houses of Westeros who could be a bannerman to Ned Stark and married to a noble Lady, joined the NW to give inspiration to the falling order. Who knows more about the North, the Winter, and the old days but a Stark?