Women in the U.S. territories experience particularized harms often rooted in U.S. colonization and the territories’ political relationship with the United States. This Essay describes how traditional ...
abstract. The constitutional tort is one of the most important mechanisms for vindicating constitutional rights. But the doctrine governing such claims is in disarray. A plaintiff suing a state ...
This Essay disputes the myth that employment, unlike independent contracting, is inherently inflexible. It traces the roots of this widely shared belief to corporate propaganda and rejects ...
The Supreme Court’s new standing cases have further narrowed the class of claims justiciable in federal court. Some state ...
Policies 2024-2025, Yale Univ., https://catalog.yale.edu/gsas/policies-regulations/degree-requirements https://perma‌.cc‌/7SKF-X6MK (“Learning to teach ...
Almost as much as ever, the law is bound up with domination and oppression. As usual, mainstream legal thought remains “one more variant of the perennial effort to restate power and preconception as ...
abstract. Universal vacatur, the judicial power to void a regulation, is a remedy rooted in the foundations of modern administrative law, not an artifact of judicial overreach or creative ...
abstract. The glaring gap in tort theory is its failure to take adequate account of liability insurance. Much of tort theory fails to recognize the active and central role that liability insurance ...
abstract. Critiqued as a blank check for judicial intervention, the absurdity canon has been all but abandoned by modern textualists. But this Note argues that its total dismissal is unwarranted. By ...