Modern adaptations like WIT's version benefit from 25 years of One Piece production for better quality.
Anime Films Airing on Indian TV: June 11-17 (Jun 11, 2023) Anime Films Airing on Indian TV: July 17-23 (Jul 16, 2022) Anime Films Airing on Indian TV: September 12-18 (Sep 11, 2021) Anime Films ...
Japan's Animation DVD Ranking, March 5-11 (Mar 13, 2018) Japan's Animation TV Ranking, February 26-March 4 (Mar 8, 2018) Japan's Animation DVD Ranking, February 26-March 4 (Mar 6, 2018) Japan's ...
In a report released in March, an expert panel of the U.N. Security Council said crypto assets worth about $3 billion were stolen between 2017 and 2023 in cyberattacks where North Korea’s ...
An NPA panel of experts recently drafted a report that said a new cyber squad should be at the front end of international investigations. The squad will be given the authority to investigate ...
Heyne Building, Room 239C 713-743-1077 Lab: 713-743-4876 [email protected] [email protected] Yoshida, H., & Fausey, C. M. (2019). Visual objects as they are encountered by young language learners. In ...