Xbox Game Pass offers day one releases, allowing subscribers to access multiple new games every month. Blue Prince and Abiotic Factor are now confirmed to be day one Xbox Game Pass games.
An Xbox One launch game from 2013 has received a new upgrade 12 years later courtesy of Xbox Game Pass Ultimate and xCloud.
Xbox Game Pass is set to lose two critically acclaimed Yakuza games, along with half a dozen other titles at the end of ...
Meanwhile, Obsidian has shipped three games since 2018 under Xbox and has another big RPG landing later this year. And it released Outer Worlds in 2019, a game which started produ ...
If someone wants to play some classic PlayStation 2 games with friends, these games support more than just 2 players.
If this sounds like a lot, we don't blame you as there's a lot to keep up from 17 years of Marvel storytelling. So we're here to help with a (brief) overview of every Phase to date and what we can ...
Take-Two's CEO has stated that if there is another version of Grand Theft Auto Online (possibly called GTA Online 2), it ...
Metacritic aggregates music, game, tv, and movie reviews from the leading critics. Only uses METASCORES, which let you know at a glance how each item was reviewed. Find your next game ...