Detox drinks, despite their popularity and various claims, may not be the miracle solutions they are often marketed as. While ...
Segundo a nutricionista Tatiane do Nascimento, da clínica Segmedic, os sucos detox podem contribuir para o emagrecimento ao ...
Suco de Abacaxi com Hortelã: bata abacaxi, hortelã, gengibre e água de coco. É refrescante e ótimo para combater o inchaço e hidratar o corpo. Suco de Cenoura com Laranja: junte cenoura, laranja, ...
The only way to keep your kidney functions intact is by ensuring you drink plenty of fluids. Here are 7 best detox drinks ...
Skip the juice cleanse -- your body is already equipped to detox itself. Plus, you could be missing out on essential ...
Dona de um corpo escultural que esbanja naturalidade, Bruna Marquezine não abre mão de uma dieta limpa e super saudável. Saiba o que a atriz come!
Thinking of a juice cleanse A new study warns that juice-based detox diets may harm gut and oral health by disrupting beneficial bacteria Know the hidden risks before you sip!
O suco detox tem ganhado destaque na alimentação de muitas pessoas, com a promessa de desintoxicar o organismo e ajudar ...
They were randomly assigned one of these three dietary patterns to be followed for three days - an exclusive juice fast, a diet combining juice with regular food, or a plant-based whole food diet.