After contacting 1,700 public and private archives in Germany and worldwide to find more, #LastSeen has now collected visual evidence from 60 cities and towns in Nazi Germany.
Fürst, now 92, is one of a dwindling number of Holocaust survivors able to share first-person accounts of the horrors they endured, as the world marks the 80th anniversary of the liberation of the Nazis’ most notorious death camp. Fürst is returning to Auschwitz for the annual occasion, his fourth trip to the camp.
It is only by listening to these individual voices that we can really begin to understand what the many millions of Holocaust victims went through.
Belatedly, the survivors were rescued from obscurity and the human element of the tragedy came to the fore. Local and then international testimony projects emerged, the largest being the ongoing Visual History Archive which has interviewed close to 60,000 survivors, including of more recent genocides such as that in Rwanda.
Holocaust education must keep step as survivors “will not be here forever”, a charity leader has warned nearly 80 years on from the liberation of Auschwitz. We are at a “crucial juncture” on how to teach about the genocide as the number of eyewitnesses dwindle,
As the final generation of Holocaust survivors passes on, the books will remain as "material survivors, as witnesses."
The Holocaust caused expedited change in language due to previously unknown trauma, physicality and extremely close contact.
The International Museum of World War II in Wakefield includes an exhibit to educate and remind visitors about the Holocaust.
Menachem Rosensaft, the son of survivors, challenges the comforting messages of Judaism’s best-known collection of verse.
“Making inappropriate and highly offensive jokes that trivialize the Holocaust only serve to minimize the evil and inhumanity of Nazi crimes, denigrate the suffering of both victims and survivors and insult the memory of the six million Jews murdered in the Shoah,” the ADL said in a statement from its official account.
The film "The Investigation," directed by RP Kahl, re-enacts testimonies from Auschwitz trials in 1963-65. It presents a contemporary portrayal to engage younger audiences with Holocaust history, highlighting the need for societal vigilance.