Research indicates the UK dog population is much higher than previously estimated as landlords face the Renters’ Rights Bill.
Researchers found that many beekeepers mistime their Varroa mite treatments, leading to higher honey bee colony losses.
How Exeter City hope their FA Cup tie with Nottingham Forest can show off their fan-owned model to the world of football.
The largest study to date to analyze millions of both genetic and patient records on the long-term health conditions of later ...
The county of Devon is better known for scones than soccer but its professional teams are trying to use that to their ...
Here are the Seacoast Students of the Week for Feb. 10, as described by the school leaders who nominated them.
A new report by Truro-based digital product studio Hiyield reveals growing concerns about the environmental impact of artificial intelligence, despite its immense benefits to business and personal ...
Russell group universities are altering their courses to be more welcoming to transgender and non-binary students, a report ...
Bismark State College announced Rosalie Morgans, Hanover Township, was named to president’s honor roll for the fall 2024 semester. Students must maintain at least a 3.50 grade point on a 4.00 scale ...
"The kids competed really, really hard. We had highs and lows throughout the meet, that's for sure," Exeter head track coach ...
A university in England has put over 200 trigger warnings on Shakespeare works and adaptations for things such as the ...
These girls and boys from Seacoast schools Exeter, Portsmouth, Winnacunnet, Dover and Spaulding are seeded high for NHIAA Div ...