"I love swapping traditional chocolate-covered strawberries for marshmallows when making Valentine's Day treats with kids.
Run out of brown sugar? Before you run to the store, try our easy solution for substituting brown sugar in baked goods and more.
Snowfall is a rare occurrence in the South, but when it does come, Southerners reach for this popular recipe for Snow Cream.
A lot can go wrong with cakes, from turning out dry, to sinking in the middle. Here are five reasons your cake might have failed and what you can do to avoid it next time.
Crispy potato skins are filled with creamy cheese and savory bacon, and topped with tangy sour cream and scallions.
Zoë found her way as the Senior Home and Garden Editor with Southern Living. There she crisscrossed the region to produce inspiring interiors, entertaining, and holiday stories while also overseeing ...
We adjusted the original recipe slightly, making it a bit more modern and a touch more Southern. Most recipes use milk in the cake, but we changed to buttermilk for more depth of flavor. Outside of ...
Jekyll Island, a beautiful and historic barrier island located off the coast of Georgia, was recently highlighted by Southern Living as a "wonderful and uniquely majestic island." This coastal ...
Part of the Southern Living team since 2017, Kaitlyn Yarborough Sadik is a ... You could reach in to find a hand-crank mixer, egg separator, flour-sifter tin, angel cake breaker, or meat-tenderizer ...
So, if Southerners are talking about it, Rebecca is covering it. Rebecca has been with Southern Living since 2017 and enjoys the wide range of topics from shining a light on local heroes to providing ...
Look no further than these two hidden gems in Georgia. Two towns in the state have been named among Southern Living's list of the 25 best places to go in the South in 2025. The magazine's list ...