Sniping in Sniper Elite: Resistance isn’t just about pulling the trigger, it’s about being precise. One of the game’s most realistic (and tricky) mechanics is bullet drop, a detail that ...
But having sent many Nazis into the world beyond in both games, the sniping (and gunplay in general) seems to work slightly more consistent in Resistance, as compared to Sniper El ...
When you’ve shot every organ in the game, you’ll earn yourself the “Open Surgery” trophy or achievement for being such a damn good sharpshooter. Reward yourself by shooting more Nazis. Sniper Elite: ...
one sniper bullet at a time. Two decades after the series' first instalment, Resistance takes things to new heights (quite literally, if you're shooting from a rooftop). We're in the shoes of ...
Escape From Tarkov pays a great deal of attention to armor and bullet calibers, so a powerful sniper rifle with some armor-piercing rounds is borderline unplayable. We highly recommend reading our ...
I enjoyed the extra challenge. Killing with a bullet is easy in Sniper Elite: Resistance, but doing the deed with poisoned wine or an explosive piece of coal? That's much tougher, and often ...
You’d think that blasting bullets into a Nazi’s nutsack would be a thrill that never gets old, but somehow Sniper Elite: Resistance has made shooting SS scumbags squarely in their Swasticles ...
This feature shows you, in slow-motion, how each bullet shreds Nazis in grotesque detail, inside and out. Like in other Sniper Elite games, a well-placed bullet can shoot their eyes out ...