Alabama leaders, however, say they are doing what the voters want and are confident the laws will be upheld by the courts.
The bill, called House Bill 231, proposes penalties for schools that fail to comply, including the potential loss of state ...
Conservative state lawmakers want to bring God and country back to the classroom. Four bills now in front of the state house and senate deal with prayer, the Ten Commandments, the pledge of allegiance ...
On the 7th anniversary of the deadly, tragic Parkland school shooting this is worth repeating: Save the thoughts and prayers.
If the Alabama Legislature wants to mandate something, try requiring that they actually read the Constitution.
A bill proposed in Alabama would require schools to begin each day with the Pledge of Allegiance and a prayer -- or else, the school will lose millions in funding. Lawmakers debated the bill on ...
Since the passing of our highly beloved friend, colleague, minister, husband, father and Pop-Pop, Dr. Tim Tooten, the love you have shown has been tremendous.
Threatened by global warming, winter sports appear to be at odds with the sobriety vital to transition. So, what sense does it make to start your offspring on these leisure activities?
Wheaton College deleted a message congratulating and expressing prayers for alumnus Russell Vought after he was confirmed to serve as Office of Management and Budget director.
At the age of 98, God has called our beloved Coletta Josephine Womack White, who read her bible daily and kneeled in prayer nightly as her health permitted. She transitioned peacefully in her sleep on ...