Transdniestria, which split from Moldova at the end of the Soviet era, had relied on Russian gas passing through Ukraine, but Kyiv refused to extend a transit deal beyond the New Year, saying it ...
BRUSSELS — The European Union and Moldova on Tuesday agreed on an energy security plan aimed at weaning the country off its dependence on Russian supplies and integrating it into the 27-nation ...
This issue is preventing our website from loading properly. Please review the following troubleshooting tips or contact us at [email protected]. By submitting your ...
Guvernul georgian a inițiat un pachet legislativ care va majora pedepsele legate de acțiuni de protest – în unele cazuri la ani de închisoare – în condițiile în care statul sud-caucazian se confruntă ...
(RTTNews) - Moldova's industrial production contracted for the fourth straight month in November, albeit at a weaker pace than in the previous month, figures from the National Bureau of Statistics ...
Guvernul laburist britanic se opune includerii ecologiștilor violenți, extremei stângi și a bărbaților misogini în definiția extremismului, a relatat marți postul BBC, potrivit agenției EFE. Ministrul ...
I'm RFE/RL Europe Editor Rikard Jozwiak, and this week I'm assessing the chances that Transdniester could abandon Russia and rejoin Moldova. What You Need To Know: When speaking to European ...
Guvernul german și-a revizuit ... Adrian Dădârlat) 28 Jan - Republica Moldova: Chișinăul a transmis Tiraspolului o nouă ofertă pentru rezolvarea crizei energetice ...
(RTTNews) - Moldova's central bank raised its key interest rate for a second policy session in a row as the economy reels under the pressure rising inflation triggered by an energy crisis.
Ilan Shor is a 37-year-old former politician in Moldova wanted by that country’s authorities for what officials there have dubbed “the theft of the century” that took place about a decade ago.
Administrația președintelui american Donald Trump va reduce personalul Agenției SUA pentru Dezvoltare Internațională (USAID) la numai 611 angajați, din cei aproximativ 10.000 existenți în întreaga ...
An energy crisis that has left hundreds of thousands of people without heating and hot water in the breakaway region of Transnistria could soon end, officials in Moldova said Monday The Moldovan ...