The occupation of Poland may have turned out to be the last hurrah of Polish warplanes during WWII, but not the Polish combat pilots, more specifically the ones that escaped into exile in Great ...
The state funeral of Queen Victoria of Great Britain was held on 1901. A little over a decade later, the plush Grand Central ...
In part 2 of our Battle of Britain documentary, we explored how after Germany had swept over continental Europe, Britain ...
King Victor Emanuel III, (R) Adolf Hitler (C) and Benito Mussolini (L ... the bullet remained lodged in her skull. She returned to Britain, where she died in 1948, aged 33. It is only now ...
We know what happens when our institutions sleepwalk towards oblivion, in the name of appeasement, yet history is repeating ...
And in January 1933, in exchange for a political favor, Alfred Hugenberg provided the electoral capital that made possible Adolf Hitler’s appointment ... “The real battle against unemployment ...
What was her relationship with Hitler? Was it sexual? Why was she not interrogated when she returned to Britain in 1940 as the only foreigner to have infiltrated his inner circle? And was there ...
Politicians from across parties voiced alarm in the Commons after the US president's bombshell call with Vladimir Putin ...
Unearthed journals of British socialite Unity Mitford describe Germany’s fascist leader as ‘gay’ and ‘amazing’, but she ‘didn’t like Musso’ Adolf Hitler’s “English girlfriend ...
Unity Mitford was a debutante, socialite, and, most controversially, a raging anti-Semite who adored Adolf ... on Hitler's state of mind in the run-up to conflict with Britain.
Chinese President Xi Jinping has accepted Russia's invitation to attend the commemorations of the Soviet victory over Nazi ...
A secret journal kept by a British woman is set to shed more light on the private life of Nazi dictator Adolf ... in Britain are documented in Unity’s diary. Unity first saw Hitler at the ...