During October-December 12 Mediamax produced the TV version of it’s “Yerevan: XX century” project for Armenia TV. 12 programs were produced and aired on Armenia TV every Sunday at 21:30 from October 7 ...
In 2006-2007 Mediamax was issuing a monthly insert to the “Aravot” newspaper: “Armenia: the Security Debate”. Interviews and articles of prominent foreign and local experts were published in the ...
Հայտարարագրում լրացվող ոչ բոլոր եկամուտներն են ենթակա հարկման։ Օրինակ, եթե հայտարարատու եք եւ 2025-ին պետք է ներկայացնեք եկամուտների ...
Yerevan /Mediamax/. Within the framework of Armenia-US bilateral cooperation, the mobile field hospital of the Medical Battalion of the Military Medical Department of Armenia’s Ministry of Defense is ...
Yerevan /Mediamax/. Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan said today that “Armenia’s balanced and balancing foreign policy is reaching its primary milestone.” On his Facebook page, he wrote that ...
Yerevan /Mediamax/. Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said today that two non-coordinated issues remain between Armenia and Azerbaijan. “Now I have heard that Armenia and Azerbaijan have already ...
Yerevan /Mediamax/. Azerbaijani Foreign Minister Jeyhun Bayramov said his country expects “serious and effective steps” from Armenia. “The preamble of the draft peace agreement and 15 articles out of ...
There is always a temptation to dispute two truths. The first is that all creative people create first of all for themselves. Do not believe a writer or a musician who claims that they write books or ...
Yerevan /Mediamax/. Armenian political prisoner Ruben Vardanyan illegally incarcerated in Azerbaijan made a statement (conveyed to his family during his weekly phone call). The statement reads: “I ...
Представляем вашему вниманию перевод выступления вице-президента США Джеймса Дэвида Вэнса на Мюнхенской конференции по безопасности 14 ...
- Вероника, спасибо, что согласились дать нам интервью. Это первая возможность пообщаться с Вами после беспрецедентных событий этой осени.
Mедиамакс продолжает спецпроект «50 глобальных армян» и представляет очередного героя - Армена Захаряна, профессора и главу департамента по ...