Shorter-season varieties will go through their reproductive stages too rapidly, resulting in a shorter plant with fewer nodes, which ripens too early. 3. Planting soybeans ahead of corn requires ...
As area soybean fields approach maturity the question that is often asked is “When are soybeans mature and when should harvest begin?” Soybeans are photo-period sensitive therefore the date of ...
With an increasing frequency and intensity of flooding events and an eye to capitalize on a common rice production technique, ...
The success of many of your soybean management decisions depend on the stage of the plant. For example, herbicide applications can injure a plant if applied during the wrong stage, says Seth Naeve ...
There is a tremendous range of soybean aphid populations in fields now. Some areas of Minnesota and some fields have very few aphids. You need to scout to make accurate and profitable decisions.
Iron deficiency chlorosis was one widespread soybean issue in 2024, agronomists reported during a panel at Manitoba Ag Days ...
Research is underway at the University of Illinois to develop high-yielding wheat varieties with early maturity enabling ...
Vieira is the lead author of a study offering more insight into how soybean plants respond to flooding in the critical early reproductive stage when the plant begins to flower. The study ...