Green Bay won, 35-10, their first of four Super Bowl victories in franchise history. The letter "I" represents a single number. However, roman numerals are read left-to-right, meaning a one in ...
For example, IV means four. When it gets to any number after 19, you use as many Xs to represent every 10. When writing bigger numbers in Roman numerals, you can use these symbols: The idea to use ...
Once we get to four or nine, the symbols reverse, so you’re subtracting from the last number. In this case, Super Bowl LIX looks like 50 + 1 + 10, but it’s not. It’s L (50) and IX is 10 – 1.
Later, Roman numerals were given to the first four editions of the game, Super Bowl I through Super Bowl IV. Former Kansas City Chiefs owner Lamar Hunt coined the "Super Bowl" name, according to ...
Green Bay won, 35-10, their first of four Super Bowl victories in franchise history. The letter "I" represents a single number. However, roman numerals are read left-to-right, meaning a one in front ...
But the league doesn't use just any numbers. It uses Roman numerals, a rarely used counting system introduced thousands of years ago. The Roman numerals are visible in the Super Bowl logo and a ...
As a result, that's where the Roman numerals come in. Providing a little more fancy look to the branding, they can be a little confusing to understand. Here's your guide to the Super Bowl number ...