AdBlock Plus is a highly rated free and open-source extension that lets you block ads and disable tracking on your browser and mobile devices. AdBlock Plus allows users to get more granular with ...
AdBlock is an excellent ad-blocking tool ... AdLock is one of the best ad blockers you can choose. It’s one of the few ad blockers that consistently blocks YouTube ads, something many ad ...
Online privacy isn’t just something you should be hoping for – it’s something you should expect. You should ensure your browsing history stays private and is not harvested by ad networks. By blocking ...
2. Go to and click on the ad block icon 3. Click "Don't run on pages on this domain," then click "Exclude” or “Disable on” depending on the AdBlock you are ...
Below are instructions for how to turn off your ad blocker on the Las Vegas Sun ... are using for full instructions on how to disable AdBlock or AdBlock Plus.
If you do have Adblock Plus or Ghostery or any other ad or tracking blockers, make sure that the "Status" for them is "Disabled." Exit this window and then refresh the page at least once.
Newspapers are cheap because they are supported by ads. Open your TV, and you see ads. Walk down the street, and you see huge billboards and hoardings. There are no ad blockers for this media!
Ad blocking on mobile has been possible for a while — with services like Adblock Plus and TrustGo ... There are some 144 million active ad blocker users around the world, a number that grew ...